Saturday, January 1, 2011


Tonight, the New Year, 2011, has dawned. In the desire to have fireworks my hubby bought a pack of fireworks at the local supermarket but wished he had a bigger and better one from the state line. We had our little firework display in the front yard and some were a bit disappointing.

I usually find myself drawn to photograph such occasions and this night was no exception. It was in the making of a slide show that we discovered the beauty of the inexpensive fireworks and that beauty was from the perspective which it was viewed.  I share this beauty from our driveway with you and hope as you watch and listen that you will see that what appeared initially as drab and ugly suddenly turns into an awesome firework display that equals any grand firework show on earth. It was the perspective that makes the difference.

May God bless you all abundantly this year and when faced with obstacles may you think about the perspective of the situation. There is nothing that God cannot do if only you seek him first and believe.